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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

True Grit/True Manners

Thank you, all my friends, for your over 150 emails!!!  Wow!  I hope you'll help me move the forum to the "comments" section on this blog so we can have discussions for everyone to join!   A few people have asked me some technical questions about my blog - so here are the answers:
  • To "Subscribe", see the box to the right and just fill in your email.  You'll get a confirmation email back, and then every time there is a new post (article), you will receive it in email format.
  • To "Forward", see the little email envelope icon at the end of each post.  Click that and it will allow you to fill in an email address which will forward the post to a friend.
  • To "Ask Questions and Join our Discussion", you can do so anonymously or with your name. You'll see the "comments" button after each post so click on that and it will bring you to a comments box where you can comment and ask a question. I'll answer every day.  Come back often to find the answers and see what other people are saying!

Now for this week's Post:
Have you seen the movie True Grit yet?  I went to see it this weekend and I have to say I cracked up during one line toward the end of the movie - no one else in the theater thought it was funny including
my husband - I think I may have been the only one who caught it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Things First

Hi, there.  Thank you for visiting and reading my Blog! I'm writing this in conjunction with the launch of my company, lovelymanners.

My intention in this blog is to comment once a week on modern day